How to send an invoice through QuickBooks online

If you are a business owner who is trying to figure out how to send an invoice through QuickBooks Online, then this article is for you. It will guide you on how to create and send a QuickBooks invoice online. After reading you will be sending invoices fast and swift.
QuickBooks online is an easy-to-use invoicing application that will have you sending invoices and receiving payment in no time. 

Before you start, it is important to go to the “taxes” tab on your online QuickBooks account to make sure you have set up your tax rate correctly. A tax option is then automatically added to your invoices which you can then select and charge.

The following steps will guide you on how to send invoices online.

Step 1: Login to your QuickBooks Online and then click the + sign on the top of your homepage.

Step 2: A window will pop up, click on the “invoice” button. QuickBooks will automatically create an invoice number for you.
You can also click on the “customize” button on the bottom of the page, click on the “more” tab and create your own invoice number.

Step 3: Add your customer’s name to the invoice. Click on the up/down arrow next to the “choose a customer” tab. Click on the “Add New” button.

Step 4: Put in your customer’s name and click on the “+ details” button. A page will pop up. Add other information for your customer such as address, business name, and billing/shipping address. It will automatically save your customer info and automatically fill in the appropriate information into your invoice.

Step 5: Pick your invoice terms, invoice date and due date.

Step 6: Add your product/service description, quantity, rate and amount. If you need to factor in any discounts, simply select “ discount” in the product/service drop down menu and add the discount total in the amount section with a “-“ in front of it and it will be deduced automatically.

Tax is automatically included as an option if you have set up your tax rate as explained in the introduction above. Simply select the tax box next to your product/service amount and it is automatically calculated and added to your invoice total.

Step 7:  If you need to add more payment lines, you can just click the “Add Line” button.

Step 8: If you want to add a message, statement memo or an attachment to the invoice, you can do that in the three boxes in the bottom left hand corner of the page. If you need to add in a custom P.O number you can do that in the “message displayed on invoice” box.

Step 9:  If you want to customize your invoice template, font or color you can click on the customize option at the bottom of the screen.

Step 10: If you would like to print or preview your invoice, there is a button for that at the bottom of the screen as well.

Step 11: Once you have verified all your information you can then click on the “save and send” button on the bottom right of your invoice and you are all done.

Books Every CPA Firm Should Read to Improve Their Customer Service

Your most important role, whether as an accountant or as a bookkeeper is not just to crunch numbers, but to guide your client through critical financial decisions and build trust with them. The best way to sharpen your skills as an accountant is to read more often.

At Our Hosting and Cloud Services, we love books and on our blog, we have plenty of recommendations for accountants, small business owners and other professionals. We also provide LacerteTax Software Hosting, Drake Tax Hosting, ATX Tax Software Hosting, QuickBooks Hosting, ProSeries Tax software Hosting and Quicken Hosting services.

Customer service is critical to accounting firms and small businesses.  It can make all the difference between getting more business from clients, or losing business. Accounting is after all about one-to-one interaction between clients and an accounting professional.

Here are 3 great books you should read that can help you improve your customer service.

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh (2010)

Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, is famous for creating great customer experiences. This led to the massive success of Zappos, which grew from $1.6 million to $1 billion during the time he was there. Hsieh had an unrelenting focus on creating a customer service based organization that delivered first rate services.

Hsieh did not make Zappos into a great company by being just like anyone else. He wanted to create a business that prioritized customer service over anything else.  He wanted his staff to care deeply about customers and built a customer-centric culture, the likes of which was never seen before.

He knew that great customer service begins with happy employees and created a healthy experience for all employees at the firm. He made his employee’s happiness his top priority. Read this book to find out how he did it.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (1936)

Dale Carnegie is one of the greatest non-fiction writers of the 20th century and his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, which was published in 1936 as a self-help book, is still a bestseller even today.

Some of the greatest men and women of our times such as Lee Iacocca, Warren Buffett and Mary Kay Ash have been influenced by this book. Carnegie talks about building an excellent foundation with clients based on relationships. 

Carnegie’s philosophies on improving relationships are just as relevant today as they were in the past. It shows you how to make prospects and clients eager to do business with you and is simply must read for all accountants.

The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk (2011)

Gary Vaynerchuk is the leading social media marketer and new age entrepreneur in the world and his book focuses on how to make customer interactions happen, as well as on how businesses operate.

He shows how businesses or service providers such as CPA firms can adapt to the changing needs of the marketplace. Gary’s biggest point is that business today is as much about the interaction between the company and the client or customer, as it is about the product or service. We completely agree with that.